We left Tawas Bay in clear weather with a chance of showers and thunderstorms, and while crossing Saginaw Bay the Coast Guard gave a weather alert over the VHF radio of squalls possible from Lake Erie through the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, and Lake Huron. We traveled at about 10 knots to try to reach our destination of Port Sanilac or Lexington before the weather worsened, with plans to turn off at Port Austin or Harbor Beach if needed. It turned out the weather was good all the way to Lexington, although the wind picked up just after we tied up at the Lexington State Marina.
Lexington Harbor (michigan.gov) |
Lexington Marina (lexingtonmichigan.org) |
When we passed Port Sanilac we looked to see if we could pick out Mom and Dad's old cottage on the shore. I could tell when we were between Applegate Rd. and French Line Rd. but I couldn't see the cottage. I think it was hidden by trees.
In Lexington we ate dinner at the Cadillac House where we had picked up many a pizza while staying at the folk's cottage with the girls. A nice little town, but the shops were mostly closed up in the early evening when we were there.