Saturday, June 30, 2012

Getting ready for our Lake Huron cruise

We have been getting ready for our first expedition on Breathin' Easy. Some issues with the electronics have been corrected (we hope!), the boat is fueled, and I have developed a system of moving the dinghy off and on the boat deck with the davit by myself (thank you Shawn, Mark and Dave). We have a big heavy dinghy and the first time I tried to haul it off the boat deck with the davit with son Shawn, it was really a two man job. With some creative thinking, eventually a system with blocks and tackles was devised and I can now remove and replace the dinghy myself!

Getting ready for launch this spring

K has been provisioning the boat and I have all the equipment and spare parts I think we will need. The last purchase was an anchor snubbing line. This takes the strain off our all-chain anchor rode so it will not clank all night when we are at anchor (learned this chartering a sailboat in the Bahamas with three other guys a few years ago).

Breathin' Easy at anchor

Weather permitting, we will soon leave Belle Maer Harbor in Harrison Twp., MI for our three week cruise. However, we have learned from experience that weather and boat malfunctions may change our plans, so we try to be flexible and enjoy the time on the water whether we stay on schedule or not!


  1. Throughout history, all great explorers have had a loyal assistant or two at their side during each great journey or conquest. In 1805, Lewis & Clark had Sacagawea as they opened up the west, in 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary had his loyal sherpa and friend Tenzing Norgay on Everest.

    In 2012, you have God as your navigator, Katherine as your loyal mate and companion, and a savvy old hillbilly for your blogspot bumps in the road. With a team like that even the Loch Ness monster couldn't stir up enough rough waters to prevent the crew of "Breathin' Easy" from holding her course!

    Be safe, have a wonderful adventure, and keep me on speed dial.

    Mack :-)

  2. You guys are so awesome! The blog looks great. I can't wait for more pictures...especial of the nautical horsedog. Be safe, keep afloat and stay off the Canadian cell phone towers!

    Love you all,
    Meg and The Hound

  3. Woo! Hoo!
    Your post!

    Can't wait to see pics of the trip. I keep thinking about you two - out on the water - relaxing. Ah, how wonderful!

    Hugs from the fam.
    Dana, Tim, Eli and & Lucas

  4. BTW, now I'm off to google what a davit is...
